
I F***ing HATE Advertisements!

So... has anyone noticed the tone and style of ads these days? I'm unaware of when exactly it happened, or who was the first to employ the method, but it seems to me that ads are formatted in a most dangerous way.

Basically what they do is they present a scenario that is designed to trigger an emotion (this takes about 45-50 seconds in a 1-minute ad), then they mention the product they are trying to sell, either in passing at the end, or as an accomplice to the (usually) feel-good story/scenario or tone. The idea here ( I believe) is to get people to subconsciously assign the good feelings with the product, so that they effectively end up believing that they can't feel that way without the item. I find this appalling.

Now, I've always had a hatred for ads. If I wanted something, I'd find a way to buy it, there wasn't a problem with my own consumer code. The problem with ads is that they attempt to convince you that you actually do need what they're selling, and this is a huge problem, especially now that emotional bait is used.

People go along throughout the day bored, zoned-out, depressed, and generally hypnotized by a mass-media that makes it's money by fostering and even encouraging such states of awareness. The problem is that when I talk to people about how much I hate ads, they can't seem to have anything to say! Nothing! It's like they aren't even aware that ads are even on the radio, tv, or what have you!

What's worse is the kinds of advertisements I'm seeing nowadays, they seem to be aimed at the dumb and whimsical people of the world. Now, if a company wants to make money, it has to market towards a LARGE audience right? Therefore (I can only conclude) MOST people, are dumb and whimsical. It's sad.

When did people stop finding joy in themselves? The joy comes from "look what I bought!" instead of "look what I did/created!".

I don't know where we as a species are headed, but if the trend keeps up, I'm afraid humanity will be full of zombie-like citizens before long. And it's not some grand conspiracy like the theorists may claim, I believe it's simply man's lack of belief in himself.

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