
Everyone Gets What they THINK They Deserve...

Hey all, PAY ATTENTION! Secrets of the Universe stuff here...

So, I don't know how many of you are religious, but even if you believe in a vague notion of karma or justice, or some-such, there's something you ought to know: People (YOU included!) do NOT get what others think they deserve, they get what they themselves (or YOU) think they deserve deeeeep down.

Take me for example, I was complaining about the lack of gum sticks just a few blog-posts ago, and I really felt I not only wanted them for my own pleasure, I DESERVED them because they are AWESOME and I want awesome stuff in my life. Lo and behold, I found the elusive Juicy Fruit gum sticks at the SAME store that previously only sold the fruity piece-packs.
Now you might say "yeah but they didn't just appear, they were there all along" or some such nonsense as that and, let me tell you, as the one who actually WENT to the store and looked, take it from me that these gum sticks are a welcome new-addition of the old-style returning.


Now I'd like to talk about the unconscious briefly to give you all some vague idea of what I'm talking about (though I know that the knowledgeable among you are simply nodding your heads), and that is this: 

the conscious mind (the one where you are aware, hopefully, of the fact that you're reading this right now) is VASTLY inferior to the cosmic and mysterious unconscious mind.

To illustrate, I use Sigmund Freud's diagram shown below.

You see? This is much like an ordinary farm Pig (the conscious) vs. an Elephant (the unconscious) when it comes to who will win over another, and who has the most influence.
Think of your beliefs and destiny as being led by that Elephant and your wants being in the hands of the Pig.

This is all theory of course, but I do believe that most of our 'self' if you will, is laying dormant simply influencing our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, reactions, and etc.

I won't go into details, but there has been much research (especially in overcoming addiction therapy) that leans heavily on this "other, hidden part" of our minds, recognizing it as the real reason we become or stay addicted to something, why we have bad days, why we do this, why we do that.
Basically, if you ever ask out loud "Why'd this have to happen?" or something like that, you are (in actual fact) trying to wake yourself up. The honest truth is this: Things happen because we MAKE them happen. Simple as that, and if you really wanted to get to the bottom of such questions, I'd suggest you actually look inwards, because the answers are ALWAYS there.

Call it what you will; consciously, we cannot overcome our nature. We can change it, but that is actually quite different. At any rate, I'm sure you're all very capable of looking this up if you're interested in learning more.

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