
The Weekend...

So today I hung out with my brother again. We went to our Grandparent's house and chatted with them for a while before going to the movie "Django Unchained", and what a film it was. Despite Christoph Waltz portraying his character almost exactly as he did his "Inglourious Basterds" one, it was quite riveting, but not necessarily in a good way. The film was tense at many times, and almost unbearable at others. It deals with cruelty, and doesn't apologize for it, but, it doesn't just show it either, it seems to shove it in your face. Leonardo DiCaprio is absolutely insane as a southern plantation owner, and his character keeps most of that tension I spoke of in the air.

Anyhow, after surviving Django, we went to meet our grandparents at "Luigi's Steakhouse" for pizza and wine. 

I like what they did with the place. I was at that very same location over 10 years ago, and it was dingy, cheap-looking, and run down. The pictures don't do it justice, but they really classed the place up. If I lived near there, I'd go there all the time, but alas my grandparents live 2 hours away from where I do!

Anyhow, we had a good time and me and my brother went home.


The Coffee-Philosophers.

So I went for coffee with my brother this morning. He's a fun guy to chat with, and we both have similar views on art and movies. As a matter of fact, we both have our eyes set on making movies one day, and he's actually going to school for directing pretty soon. He's also got an awesome blog located here 
for anyone who'd like to see an off-the-hook movie blog. Seriously, he's pretty out there, and swears like a drunken sailor while giving you his opinions about whatever he wants to talk about.

Anyhow we talked about movies and art and how movies and video games are trying too hard to appeal to the widest audience possible. It's a shame really, the more "free" people become, the more (it would seem) they get shallow and enjoy only the most cliche and dull forms of entertainment. My personal opinion is that people are bored and have all but given up on life. What is needed is some excitement, and that is pretty much what me and my brother want to do with our movies. Bring back the shocking and controversial form of art. Course by the time we get into films, controversial might be illegal.

There's a huge problem when you can't laugh at yourself, and this becomes "offense". The thing is, you can take anything the way you want to so, really, if someone says something about you and you take it as an insult, you've basically insulted yourself. Nothing's bad unless you decide it is, and I wish people would know and exercise that instead of adding hundreds of laws to the "politically-correct bible" to keep everyone feeling good about themselves. But again, there's a catch: if you don't feel good about yourself, you won't feel better if no one says anything about you, and (unless you want people to lie to you) you're out of luck until you accept yourself the way you are. Again, not till the world, your family, or other people accept who you are, YOU have to do the accepting, and then, as if by magic, you won't care even if people DO hate you.

To illustrate this point best I'd like to direct you fine folks to the following videos of one of my favorite comedians, Don Rickles. The thing about Don is he has fun, and sometimes that can mean he gets controversial, but you can sure tell when he encounters people who are completely fine with a little ball-busting, take a look:

Now in that one, he busts on David Letterman, Filipinos, his wife, and so on. Letterman does try to get Rickles to tone it down at various points, but I have the suspicion that it's only due to television censorshiop obligations, and NOT because Letterman himself wants Don to "keep it decent". The guy is having a great time, and it shows. 

In this next clip we see the same thing, only this time with Denzel Washington who, despite being the subject of a few racist jokes, is laughing his HEAD off, and I can't imagine him being sore or "hurt" at any point during the relentlessly funny foray of the Don.

This final clip is taken from when Don Rickles gave a toast to Martin Scorsese,  and once again, "Mr. Warmth" shows his respect and admiration for people with his humor. 

It has been said that the only time people feel insulted by Mr. Rickles, is when he doesn't insult them. Imagine that.


Dream Journal - 12/28/2012

So last night I had such a weird dream. I was in a hall of sorts- Not a hallway, but like a grand Hall building where community leaders meet or something like that. I was there with various members of my family and co-workers. Apparently, the place was under some kind of renovation.

Anyhow, I kept going around, exploring, mostly as an excuse to dodge work. I even got called out on my laziness at some point, but it was just too interesting for me to ignore the things going on. I remember people carrying something away (I think they had unearthed it at the far end of the hall) and it might have been an elephant carcass. Anyhow, As I watched them carry this thing out, I went around one of the tables, and it was actually a large log of wood; they had forced a live tiger to bite around the log, so that he was essentially prisoner to the log via his mouth. His exposed teeth were huge, and they were going to cut the teeth off, to make him less dangerous I guess. The tiger just stared forward fearlessly, and even contained as he was (there were four guys holding his body still, two holding his head to the log, and two others ready to cut the teeth), I still felt great respect for it's power.

That's all I can remember, but afterward I looked up some tiger pictures online and found a few that I really liked, hope you enjoy!


More Relics From The "Before-Time".

So, I'm still cleaning out my room and I've found more stuff. I'm starting to think I've lost some kind of creative genius in myself, because some of this stuff is really good. Anyhow, enjoy!


Now that Bob Dylan, he's a friend of mine,
And I've known him for many years.
He got me to widen up my intellect
And to open up my ears.
All of those who shout his greatness
By simply crying out his name,
They all seem a bit deluded
And a bit too obsessed with fame. 
Though me I hardly see the point
To bringing myself down low
On account of another fella here from
Desolation Row.


"Every time I look in the mirror, the sky is breathing it's sacred tune."


Poe a Tree.

Outstretched from the

Stuck to flat.


"Probably the best I've ever written, but on the worst subject I've ever had to write about."

The Fat Cat.

So I found this piece of writing while cleaning out my room today. Turns out I can be just out of my mind if I want to, course as I recall, I wrote this particular 'piece' with a friend of mine, but still, it's making me wonder if I've ever done drugs...

Fat Cat!

1: You stole my hat!

2: I didn't do that,
Blame it on the
Fat cat!

1: Blame that cat!
Blame that cat!
He stole my hat!

2: Just like that.
- You could make it into a coat,
But it'd be more like a boat

1: 'Cause it'll float

2: 'Cause it's a fat cat,
Fat cat.

1: That cat!

2: It sure is fat!

1: Fat cat!
Fat cat!

2: The cat is fat.

1: Rhyme that

2: And that's that!

1: You can't even believe that
Fat cat!

2: What a cat

1: He's really fat

2: What kind of cat?
What kind of cat?

1: A fat cat,
Really fat

2: Fat cat
Fat cat

1: I can't even find that cat,
There's so much fat!

2:The cat is what?
The cat is what?

1: The cat is fat!
The cat is fat!

3: There's kids on my lawn
Doing some crazy rhyme about
A fat cat and won't stop.

1&2: The cat is what?
The cat is what?

3: It's a fat cat!
Fat cat!

All: Rhyme that!

*  *  *

3: Matt's fat?
Matt's fat?

1&2: No, the cat's fat!

3: Oh a fat cat,
Imagine that.

All: We're going back-to-back
With a fat cat-

No fat cat passes a
Black hat beside Matt
(Who ain't fat)

3: That's the cat!

1: You got that.


Everyone Gets What they THINK They Deserve...

Hey all, PAY ATTENTION! Secrets of the Universe stuff here...

So, I don't know how many of you are religious, but even if you believe in a vague notion of karma or justice, or some-such, there's something you ought to know: People (YOU included!) do NOT get what others think they deserve, they get what they themselves (or YOU) think they deserve deeeeep down.

Take me for example, I was complaining about the lack of gum sticks just a few blog-posts ago, and I really felt I not only wanted them for my own pleasure, I DESERVED them because they are AWESOME and I want awesome stuff in my life. Lo and behold, I found the elusive Juicy Fruit gum sticks at the SAME store that previously only sold the fruity piece-packs.
Now you might say "yeah but they didn't just appear, they were there all along" or some such nonsense as that and, let me tell you, as the one who actually WENT to the store and looked, take it from me that these gum sticks are a welcome new-addition of the old-style returning.


Now I'd like to talk about the unconscious briefly to give you all some vague idea of what I'm talking about (though I know that the knowledgeable among you are simply nodding your heads), and that is this: 

the conscious mind (the one where you are aware, hopefully, of the fact that you're reading this right now) is VASTLY inferior to the cosmic and mysterious unconscious mind.

To illustrate, I use Sigmund Freud's diagram shown below.

You see? This is much like an ordinary farm Pig (the conscious) vs. an Elephant (the unconscious) when it comes to who will win over another, and who has the most influence.
Think of your beliefs and destiny as being led by that Elephant and your wants being in the hands of the Pig.

This is all theory of course, but I do believe that most of our 'self' if you will, is laying dormant simply influencing our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, reactions, and etc.

I won't go into details, but there has been much research (especially in overcoming addiction therapy) that leans heavily on this "other, hidden part" of our minds, recognizing it as the real reason we become or stay addicted to something, why we have bad days, why we do this, why we do that.
Basically, if you ever ask out loud "Why'd this have to happen?" or something like that, you are (in actual fact) trying to wake yourself up. The honest truth is this: Things happen because we MAKE them happen. Simple as that, and if you really wanted to get to the bottom of such questions, I'd suggest you actually look inwards, because the answers are ALWAYS there.

Call it what you will; consciously, we cannot overcome our nature. We can change it, but that is actually quite different. At any rate, I'm sure you're all very capable of looking this up if you're interested in learning more.


Lazy Saturday.

Good morning everyone! Hope the weekend is treating you well thus-far.

So last night I decided to do some film-watching and was able to watch "Giant" and "There Will Be Blood". Interestingly, both movies dealt with oil but that's about the extent of their similarities.

 First off, in searching for a James Dean movie I could actually stand I was directed to "Giant". Don't get me wrong, James Dean was phenomenal in this movie, and it definitely made me see his untimely demise as a robbery to audiences everywhere more than a simple tragedy, but the movie itself was dull and outdated. Most of the movie dealt with racism, and female independence. What I'd really have liked from this movie, however, was an exploration of James Dean's character. 

Basically the kid is a nobody and ends up inheriting a large plot of land that he eventually finds oil on. I was expecting him to rise from the shadows and become the focus of the movie towards the end, but it just didn't happen. The movie had established it's theme too rigidly by the time we see Dean strike oil.

It was a book-adaptation though, so it's not like they had a choice story-wise.

Anyhow, on to "There Will Be Blood". I really didn't get this movie when I first saw it back in 2007. I thought it was bland, and lacked story and emotional depth. Now I don't know exactly what happened in my brain since then, but when I watched it last night I sure did enjoy it. I found it riveting and incredibly deep; it also felt like reading a book, which made it very involving indeed.

Basically the movie follows a man who goes from prospector to oil-man in a very short amount of time, and then the movie slows down and we get to study the character and the changes he goes through. Ultimately, I'd say the movie is a statement against greed, but it also touches on shadow elements that Dr. Carl G. Jung discovered in his study of the human psyche.

Overall, watching the movie was incredibly inspirational and I wrote throughout it's entirety. The finished product of that inspiration is below, hope you enjoy.

The year was nineteen hundred and fifty two; the monogamous facade was in full swing. Through fear, people turned to their priests for protection and punishment.

Why anybody preached anything, especially in those days, was beyond me. I suspect they had to temper their fortune with it's own misfortune... guilt had a way of making you punish yourself, especially when you believed you deserved it. The thing I began to realize was this:
We all get what we deserve, but mostly, we get what we think we deserve.

I never lost any sleep.

I knew people, men mostly, who complained of insomnia. Sleeplessness that hung around you like death. On the bed, they said it even stank, but a man's gotta sleep, and the couch didn't cut it.

But me, I never lost any sleep. Men envied me for that, though the women said I was heartless. It didn't matter either way, I slept like a baby.

I had a coupe in those days, and I drove it like I was fucking it. In every street and alley I fucked that thing through the fastest possible routes. At the end of each day she was there to take home- a lousy piece of metal. Still, it was good on gas.

I also drank scotch in those days. Musky, caramel-colored scotch that tasted like a campfire. I was living for the future and scotch was a present-moment drink; it almost defied reason that I was drinking it, but I liked to pretend that my current situation (in those days) was worth savoring. In the end, it was my distinct tastes and idiosyncrasies that gave me away as a sub-par artist, statesman, God knew what. But it was there, in the obsessions... I'm sure any outside observer could have told you... I was too comfortable.

The Good Book

So I've stumbled across an amazingly fascinating read, one that really brings out my own beliefs in ways that are also insightful and edifying.

I've been looking through the library for books on philosophy and general views on life, and this is the first one that really began to speak to me. I think it's good to get your beliefs down so that you are able to stick to them. More often than not, we are confronted with the views and beliefs of society and conforming only serves as a means of surrendering our individuality and 'admitting' (albeit in delusion and/or fearfulness) that their beliefs are better. Instead, it is far better (for our own sake) to be firm in our beliefs though open in our exploration of life, and that, I believe, is what this book is all about.

So if you get the chance, browse through a copy at the library or online, begin to feel that unique signature of essence within you and begin to let it shine. 

"For if you adhere to your principles, those very persons who at first ridiculed you will afterwards admire you. But if you are conquered by them, you will incur a double ridicule. If you turn your attention to externals, so as to wish to please anyone, be assured that you will hinder your scheme of life. Be contented, then, in everything, devoted to living wisely, and it will suffice you. the question at the end of each day is, 'How long will you delay to be wise?' " 
- The Good Book


It's the "little" Things.

Hey everybody, what's up? Hope the week is treating you well thus far but even so, hope you have some great weekend plans. You know, there's nothing like a good weekend to make you absolutely HATE the week, and today it really hit me.

As I drove home, I saw an ad for "Juicy Fruit" gum in a bus stop and it jolted me back to last weekend when me and my brother were chillin' out. See, I decided to get some gum because I want to get back in the habit and I miss the taste of Juicy Fruit. So I go into the store and to my absolute HORROR, the gum is now sold as pieces (in the Dentine Ice style) rather than sticks.



Not This:


Not This:

There is something awesome about sticks of gum, can't put my finger on it but they're like cigarettes. People who smoke despite the fear: smoke, those who fear cancer and death and all that, what do they do? That's right! They chew PIECES of GUM to try and "curb the addiction"...>>

Pieces of gum are perhaps the most un-artistc and lame version of the invention known as gum. They're too perfect, and besides, they look like pills.

In other news, as I was on my way home I saw a car that was parked but was signalling to get out, as I cautiously approached, I noticed that it actually had it's hazard lights on. Now, hazard lights are to signal that you should pass the car if you as so inclined. Usually, you see these kinds of lights on the side of the highway, or on cars that go slow through a snow storm or some such. But when a car is already parked? Fuck, I'm gonna pass it ANYWAY! Why put the lights on? If there were NO lights on, I would assume the car was parked and pass it! Honestly, I don't get some people or why they do things. I wonder, for example, what was going on through their head when they thought that would be a good idea? "hmmm, better put the hazard lights on so people won't think I'm just parked here..." >>

Anyhow, after that quirky moment I turned the corner and ran over a bouquet of flowers that someone discarded- seemed to fit the mood of the day.


I F***ing HATE Advertisements!

So... has anyone noticed the tone and style of ads these days? I'm unaware of when exactly it happened, or who was the first to employ the method, but it seems to me that ads are formatted in a most dangerous way.

Basically what they do is they present a scenario that is designed to trigger an emotion (this takes about 45-50 seconds in a 1-minute ad), then they mention the product they are trying to sell, either in passing at the end, or as an accomplice to the (usually) feel-good story/scenario or tone. The idea here ( I believe) is to get people to subconsciously assign the good feelings with the product, so that they effectively end up believing that they can't feel that way without the item. I find this appalling.

Now, I've always had a hatred for ads. If I wanted something, I'd find a way to buy it, there wasn't a problem with my own consumer code. The problem with ads is that they attempt to convince you that you actually do need what they're selling, and this is a huge problem, especially now that emotional bait is used.

People go along throughout the day bored, zoned-out, depressed, and generally hypnotized by a mass-media that makes it's money by fostering and even encouraging such states of awareness. The problem is that when I talk to people about how much I hate ads, they can't seem to have anything to say! Nothing! It's like they aren't even aware that ads are even on the radio, tv, or what have you!

What's worse is the kinds of advertisements I'm seeing nowadays, they seem to be aimed at the dumb and whimsical people of the world. Now, if a company wants to make money, it has to market towards a LARGE audience right? Therefore (I can only conclude) MOST people, are dumb and whimsical. It's sad.

When did people stop finding joy in themselves? The joy comes from "look what I bought!" instead of "look what I did/created!".

I don't know where we as a species are headed, but if the trend keeps up, I'm afraid humanity will be full of zombie-like citizens before long. And it's not some grand conspiracy like the theorists may claim, I believe it's simply man's lack of belief in himself.