
I Am God... and So Are You.

How's it goin' folks? So today I want to talk a little bit about synchronicity. More specifically, those times when EVERYTHING goes wrong, all at once... ever had that?

It's like you're going along your merry way in life and then BAM! Just like that, good ol' Murphy's Law kicks in and before you know what's even happening, you're up to your ears in problems.

I had such a day like that today, and while it may seem like a disconnected blog for the title I have given it, you will soon see just how well it fits.

The thing is, everything we experience in life is a DIRECT result of how we perceive the world. More than that, the situations we end up in are a by-product of who we have been or, who we are. It is impossible to go through life without creating the path you step on, because the path changes as you change, or stays the same if you decide to do nothing.

On a day like today, I could see this unfolding before my very eyes. I'm new at my position at work, a lot of what I'm doing I have to learn on the fly because I haven't had any training (didn't think I needed any! lol), and so, with such an "on-the-fly" way of working, I found myself bogged down with problems, mostly stemming from the fact that I didn't know how to do one particular thing, and because of that, EVERYTHING that followed was fucked.

Now, I work outside, strange as that may seem. I mean, it's 2013 for crying out loud! How can it be that we've come this far as a species and still some of us work outside? Of course, I could always get an indoor job, and after today, that definitely appeals to me. You see, as the problems kept accumulating, the SNOW began to pile on top of our job site. A blizzard in April! It just seemed to fit. I mean, it was like "Well, why not? Everything else is fucked up, why not the weather?"

Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming the weather, nor am I blaming anything, to be honest. I'm pointing out that everything is connected. Wherever we are in life, whatever our journey, things are bound to happen to us. It is my understanding, however, that these things arise BECAUSE of us, where we are in our journey, and arise for our direct benefit. We can only grow and develop if we know the areas we need to work on. A gentle nudge from the universe, like the one I experienced today, is the most common manifestation of this. The more we wish to progress, the more obvious it will be what we need to get better at. The more we accept the situations as helpful, the faster we can grow.

So you see, we are creating the world we live in, right down to the very weather we experience. It's all connected in some cosmic way that I don't even care to understand, I just know it is. 

I am the creator, therefore I am God.

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